Shopware SEO

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Search Engine Optimization or short SEO is one of the most popular parts of Digital Marketing. And in today’s highly competitive eCommerce scene, owning a well-optimized online shop is very important for ultimate success. Because SEO plays a vital role in driving organic traffic and increasing the visibility of your online store. When it comes to Shopware SEO you need to know some techniques as well, since Shopware has a special architecture compared to other CMS such as WordPress. That’s why in this comprehensive guide, we will dive into Shopware SEO in detail and will also explore strategies, techniques and best practices to enhance your shop’s overall online presence.

Shopware SEO: What is it?

Particularly, Shopware SEO refers to the practice of optimizing a website built on the Shopware eCommerce platform for better search engine visibility. It involves various strategies and techniques, including a seo keyword research, On-Page optimization, content creation, link building, technical optimization etc. By implementing these tactics, online shop owners can improve their website’s ranking on Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) and increase organic traffic which ultimately enhances their online visibility. 

Normally, Shopware offers several built-in SEO features, such as customizable Meta Titles, Focus Keyphrases, Meta Descriptions and much more. That’s why, with effective Shopware SEO practices, businesses can maximize their online potential and achieve sustainable growth in their competitive eCommerce landscape. It is important to get used to the right Shopware SEO optimization tactics. Now we are going to show you different types of SEO with an eye on Shopware.

Types of SEO

To do SEO for your content, which can be products or categories as well, you need to know what types of SEOs are out there. In this section, we will discuss the types of SEO. Actually, there are various types of SEO techniques and strategies. To enhance a website’s organic search visibility these are very important. Here are some of the most common and popular types of SEO:

  1. On-Page SEO
  2. Off-Page SEO
  3. Technical SEO
  4. Local SEO
  5. eCommerce SEO
  6. Voice Search SEO
  7. Video SEO
  8. Mobile SEO

These types of SEO will work for Shopware as well. So let’s have a look at what they are in a brief overview.

On-Page SEO

First of all, this type of SEO focuses on optimizing individual web pages to improve their visibility in search engine results. It includes elements such as keyword research, content optimization, Meta Titles, Meta Descriptions, Focus Keywords, Headers, URL structure, internal linking, image optimization and anything else around your Shopware Onlineshop.

Off-Page SEO

On the other hand, Off-Page SEO refers to activities conducted outside of the website to improve its overall visibility and authority at the world wide web. Off-Page SEO includes content marketing (SEM) link building, social media marketing (SMM), influencer outreach, online reputation management, guest blogging, brand mentions on external websites and other related SEO Off-Page techniques.

Technical SEO

In any event, Technical SEO is one of the important parts of overall SEO. It involves optimizing the technical aspects of a website to make it more search engine-friendly. It includes improving website speed and performance, mobile-friendliness, crawlability, indexing, XML sitemaps, structured data markup and ensuring proper website architecture at the same time.

Local SEO

Local SEO focuses on optimizing a website to rank higher in local search results. It is essential for businesses targeting a specific geographic location. Local SEO techniques include optimizing Google My Business (GMB) listing, creating location-specific landing pages, obtaining online reviews and getting listed on local directory submissions.

eCommerce SEO

Another key point is eCommerce SEO though it is a special category of SEO. It’s a great option for online stores to improve their visibility and increase organic traffic. It involves optimizing categories, dedicated filtered pages (like /red /shoes) product descriptions that consist of titles and images, implementing structured data for products, improving site speed and security

Voice Search SEO

Similarly, with more and more usage of voice assistants like Siri from iOS, Google Assistant, Alexa or maybe even the Mercedes Benz voice assistant. Optimizing for voice search has become important. Voice search SEO involves focusing on Long-Tail Keywords (LTK), conversational language, featured snippets and others. It also focuses on the task to provide concise and direct answers to common queries.

Video SEO

As with other content video SEO also involves optimizing videos to improve their visibility in search engine results and video platforms like YouTube. It includes optimizing video titles, descriptions, tags, thumbnails and captions. Video SEO also involves increasing engagement signals such as views, likes, shares, comments etc.

Mobile SEO

Finally, we would like to mention Mobile SEO which consists of the optimization of websites for mobile devices. It has some similarities with Technical SEO. Increased usage of smartphones for web browsing, search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites. Mobile SEO includes responsive design, fast loading speed, touch-friendly elements and optimization for local searches.

As we mentioned earlier, these are some of the major types of SEO techniques and strategies. It’s worth noting that SEO is an ever-evolving field. That’s why the specific techniques and best practices may change over time as search engines update their algorithms.

SEO Suite Plugin for Shopware SEO
SEO Suite Plugin for Shopware SEO

Shopware SEO: Best practices

In this section, we will discuss the best part of Shopware SEO. As you already know there are several types of SEO out there. But here we will mainly focus on two types of Shopware SEO OnPage and Technical SEO. And also we will tell you how you can do that all with only one plugin. That means you don’t need to have any kind of SEO headache anymore. Normally, plugins recommend where to optimize what. You just need to follow the instruction of the plugin and you are done!

On-Page Optimization (SEO) for Shopware

First of all, as with any other (CMS-based) type of SEO, Shopware’s SEO has not much exception. To have a better result you have to have best practices. So what are the best practices for Shopware SEO? Let us explain, we have pointed out a handful of best practices to have a great On-Page SEO for your Shopware-based online store:

  • Page Speed (categories, products…)
  • Readable URLs are also for filters, modifier
  • Structured Data (OG,
  • Creating high-quality and engaging content
  • Optimizing product descriptions and category pages
  • Utilizing relevant keywords and internal linking
  • Image optimization and alt tags
  • User-friendly navigation and site structure
Creating high-quality and engaging content

Generally, it’s a saying that, CONTENT IS KING! That’s why we should produce high-quality content to do Shopware SEO as well. It contains informative and compelling product descriptions, category pages, blog posts, videos for your online shop. You have to craft content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. And don’t forget to incorporate relevant keywords in a natural way in your content!

Optimizing product descriptions and category pages

To get better results, optimize individual product pages and category pages with unique and descriptive Meta Descriptions and engaging titles. Include relevant keywords in an organic and user-friendly manner. Try to ensure readability at that time as well.

Utilizing relevant keywords and internal linking

Conduct thorough keyword research to identify terms that align with your products and target audience. Incorporate these keywords strategically in your content, product titles, descriptions, and URLs. Additionally, employ internal linking to guide users and search engines to relevant pages within your store. To find the related keywords you can use Google Keyword Planner or use alphanauten‘s SEO Suite plugin. The SEO Suite has a built-in option to search for related keyphrases.

Image optimization and alt tags

Sometimes we ignore image optimization and we forget that images are great content for search engines like Google too. That’s why you should optimize your categories and product images by compressing them without decreasing the quality. And add descriptive ‘alt tags‘ to help search engines understand the content of the images and improve accessibility.

User-friendly navigation and site structure

You can streamline your Shopware-based store’s navigation by organizing products into relevant categories and subcategories. Implement breadcrumbs for easy navigation, enhancing the user experience and search engine crawlability.

Technical SEO for Shopware

Only On-Page or Off-Page SEO will not bring you a lot of success at all. You have to know and do at least a little bit Technical SEO for Shopware as well. Back in 2010, nobody cared about it. But nowadays Technical SEO is very important to get a better rank on Google. So how to do technical SEO for Shopware? In this section, we will let you know four ways to do technical SEO for every Shopware-based shop.

  1. Optimizing the website’s overall performance  
  2. Mobile responsiveness
  3. Implementing proper URL canonicalization
  4. XML sitemap creation and submission
Optimizing website speed

Page load speed is a big factor in both user experience and search rankings. That’s why ensure your Shopware store is optimized for fast loading by compressing images, minimizing code and utilizing caching techniques.

Mobile responsiveness

Since mobile usage is increasing day by day, it’s really very important to have a mobile-responsive Shopware store (normally Shopware comes with default responsiveness). But you can also start AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) and PWA (Progressive Web Apps) to have Google’s mobile-first indexing. A mobile site’s performance directly impacts search rankings. Optimize your store’s mobile experience to grow the number of mobile users.

Implementing proper URL canonicalization

It is best practice to avoid duplicate content issues by implementing canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a page. This helps search engines understand which URL to index and prevents the dilution of ranking signals. Very important is this topic if you are using different language versions. In this case, you also need the language redirects implemented in your URL canonicalization.

XML sitemap creation and submission

Generate an XML sitemap for your Shopware store and submit it to search engines. Sitemaps help search engines discover and index your store’s pages more efficiently, ensuring better visibility in search results. Nowadays it is a common thing to use corresponding XML Sitemaps for your products, the categories, the content pages and maybe even for your videos.

Shopware SEO Extensions and Plugins

Shopware offers a wide range of SEO extensions and plugins to enhance your store’s SEO capabilities. These plugins can assist with various aspects, such as generating XML sitemaps, optimizing Meta Tags and implementing structured data… For Shopware SEO, select the appropriate plugins to maximize your store’s optimization potential. To help hundreds of online shop owners we built a great plugin called SEO Suite for Shopware. This plugin has lots of features to help you to have better SEO for your online shop.

SEO Suite for Shopware

The alphanauten Shopware SEO Suite is not only a simple plugin but also a combination of tools designed to optimize your content on a Shopware-based shop. This cloud-based plugin for Shopware itself is super optimized and easy to use for anyone who doesn’t have even the minimum knowledge of technical things or SEO. In order to simplify the lives of entrepreneurs, our agency the alphanauten has created the SEO Suite plugin. Its built-in features will help to optimize your product and blog posts. Alphanauten, as a Shopware agency, does Shopware-related SEO for customers as well.

How to do Shopware SEO?

To do Shopware SEO, first of all, you should do keyword research to identify relevant search terms for your products or services. Optimize your Shopware store by including these keywords in product titles, descriptions, and Meta Tags.

Easy navigation and fast loading speeds are also important. So you have to think about that. Ensure your website has a clean and user-friendly design as well.

Leverage content marketing strategies by creating informative and engaging blog posts or articles related to your products.

Additionally, build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to boost your Shopware store’s authority in search engine rankings. If you can follow these steps, we are sure you will see some positive results in a few months.


What is Shopware SEO?

SEO for Shopware refers to the process of optimizing a Shopware-based website or online store to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Why is Shopware SEO important?

Shopware SEO is important because it helps increase organic traffic to your website, improves visibility in search engine results and boosts the chances of attracting potential customers and generating sales.

What are some Shopware SEO techniques?

There are lots of SEO techniques out there. Shopware SEO techniques include keyword research, optimizing product descriptions and Meta Tags, implementing proper website architecture, building high-quality backlinks etc.


Implementing effective SEO strategies for your Shopware-based store is very important. It helps to achieve success for your eCommerce business. By understanding the basics of Shopware SEO, focusing on technical optimization, employing on-page techniques, utilizing off-page strategies and monitoring performance you can enhance your store’s visibility on search engines. These implementations will attract targeted organic traffic from Google and drive conversions at the same time which is important to have a sustainable business.

We hope this blog post will help you to understand Shopware SEO and you can now do SEO by yourself for your online store. If you find this blog post useful then share it with your friends and colleagues. You can also test our SEO Suite Plugin for one month for free! If you need any help with SEO for Shopware then we are here to help you. Just contact us!

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