Shopware pricing plans details

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Shopware offers one of the most affordable and competitive pricing plans for all kinds of businesses. Their pricing plans are divided into different segments. If you think about to have Shopware Clouds, there is one kind of pricing model and if you are looking for a self-hosted Shopware-system there are different types. Since there is a variety of pricing plans to choose from when using Shopware, you probably have some questions about the difference between them. To make it easier just keep reading this blog. We will compare the different Shopware pricing plans in detail below.

Shopware Pricing Plans

Shopware prices are designed to offer customers different levels of access to the software. Shopware’s new plans, which were published in the fourth quarter of 2022, are aimed more at eCommerce platforms with higher sales. There is one small but important exception though. We will explain more about that later on.

In Shopware self-hosted plans are three segments or three types of packages. These are called ‘Rise‘, ‘Evolve‘ and ‘Beyond‘. The price of the ‘Rise’ package starts by 600€ per month. This package includes all the important features such as Visual Page Builder, Premium Themes, SEO, Product Reviews, Social Commerce, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM support and much more.

Evolve vs Rise package of Shopware

The ‘Evolve’ package has all the features like the ‘Rise’ package, but Evolve has more support time. If you have the Evolve package you will have a chance to get four more hours of support reaction time, which means you can expect support from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. In the Rise package the response time is up to 8 hours.

When it comes to support the ‘Beyond‘ package has more power ;). With this package, you can have 24/7 availability of support and their response time would be only 1 hour! The package has the same functions as the others

You can have a look at the basic points of three types of Shopware pricing below.

Shopware Pricing Plans
Shopware Pricing Plans: At a glance (Courtesy: Shopware)

As I mentioned earlier Shopware pricing plans have lots of options. You have to select one as per your business need. What type of features has the Shopware pricing? To be honest, there is no answer in one word. Shopware is always adding new and cool features in its packages to make their customers happy. If you would like to know more about Shopware pricing and its features please have a look below.

Shopware price packages and their features (Courtesy: Shopware)

Shopware Community Edition

What happened to the free Shopware Community Edition? It is gone! At least on the website of Shopware, there is no information about it. Don’t worry, the Community Edition is still available and will remain free of charge as per Shopware Experts. In addition, anyone can claim without any hesitation that Shopware, even in the Community Edition, is a rock-solid eCommerce platform.

Shopware Cloud Pricing at a glance
Shopware Cloud Pricing
Shopware Cloud Pricing (Courtesy: Shopware)

How to select the best Shopware Pricing Plan?

It might be confusing when it comes to selecting the best package from Shopware for your online store. There are a few factors that you should consider when selecting Shopware pricing plans. The first is the size of your business. Second, the features you need. Do you have a small operation with only a handful of customers, or a larger company with dozens or even hundreds of customers? Our specialized team of Shopware can help you to select the best Shopware package for your business. Please contact us to have a free consultation about it.


What are the Shopware Pricing Plans?

Shopware’s pricing plans are divided into different components. Shopware Clouds have one kind of pricing model and the self-hosted Shopware-system has another kind of pricing model. There is a variety of pricing plans to choose from when using Shopware. Please check our blog to have more ideas about Shopware Pricing Plans in detail.

What is Dockware?

If you know Shopware 6, Dockware is very easy to understand. It is basically a managed docker setup of Shopware 6. Dockware makes it possible to start Shopware 6 in just a couple of seconds. It comes with everything you need for a smooth development process of Shopware workflow.

Where is Shopware based in?

Shopware is based in Schöppingen (NRW), Germany. It was founded in 2004 and headquartered in Schöppingen. Shopware is based in Germany but in recent years it is becoming more and more popular outside of Germany and Europe, which means internationally…

Is Shopware a CMS?

In a bigger context, yes, it is! But Shopware is not a simple CMS like WordPress or Joomla. Shopware is an integrated tool to create online shops. It offers a unique approach to eCommerce platforms. Shopware also offers a diverse, scalable platform suited best for business unique needs.

Is Shopware open source?

In one word we can say, yes, Shopware is an open-source online shop-making tool. Their Community Edition is free, Open-Source and MIT-licensed. But they have multiple pricing plans including the Shopware Clouds and Self-Hosted options.


If you are thinking of starting your own online shop, it’s important to understand the different pricing plans Shopware offers. There are several types of pricing plans as you see above. We’ve outlined the pricing and their features so that you can make an informed decision about which plan is best for your business.

Still, if you have a problem deciding the right and best pricing plan for Shopware and you wanna develop a Shopware-based online store you can contact us so that we can help you in this matter.

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