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What are the trendiest, most important and most relevant trends in eCommerce in 2023? We will show you our point of view and impressions from the eCommerce world in German-speaking countries. The alphanauten Marketing Managers, SEO technicians and Web Development Professionals share their observations. Please read our blog post now and know all about seamless shopping experiences, sustainability in eCommerce and Artificial Intelligence for entrepreneurs.

We will not procrastinate, here are the eCommerce trends from 2023 that every online entrepreneur should keep an eye on. Where is the eCommerce journey going for your company? Get to know all future techniques, trends and approaches now.

  • Personalization is more important than ever! Personalizing eCommerce experiences has grown huge in recent years, and this trend is set to continue in 2023 as well. Customers today expect a personalized shopping experience based on their needs and interests. That’s why businesses will focus on using data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to provide personalized recommendations and tailored offers. A personalized status eMail is only the very beginning.
  • Mobile commerce will become even more dominant! Mobile commerce will continue to grow since more and more customers use their smartphones to shop. In 2023, offering an easy-to-use mobile platform will be an essential aspect for businesses to stay competitive. Fast and easy navigation on mobile devices will be crucial to keep customers on the platform and increase sales. Furthermore, new (mobile) payment methods are becoming more and more accepted and spreading.
  • Sustainability becomes a selling point! Many more customers are paying attention to how products are manufactured and packaged. That’s why sustainability will become a key selling point in 2023, and companies will strive to adopt greener packaging and more sustainable production methods. Some companies could also invest in bicycle or electric vehicle delivery to reduce their carbon footprint (CO2 balance). Some customers pay very close attention to the ECO footprint of the respective orders.
  • AI and chatbots are becoming increasingly important! In 2023, companies will increasingly rely on AI and chatbots to improve customer support. AI-powered chatbots can handle customer queries quickly and efficiently without the intervention of a human customer service representative. This will help increase customer satisfaction while reducing costs. In addition, AI language tools will independently create product descriptions and even entire blog posts. Artificial intelligence also can do copywriting. Not long now and the AIs will even build entire shops.
  • Voice-controlled purchases are slowly becoming more popular! Voice-controlled shopping is there to become more and more popular in 2023. With the expansion of smart speakers and digital assistants, more and more customers will be able to make purchases using voice commands. Businesses will need to focus on optimizing their product descriptions for speech recognition in order to optimize their products for speech-enabled purchases. The same applies to interactive and international subtitles under videos. eCommerce entrepreneurs need to structure their data and trust their automatic AI language tools.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are being used hugely! VR and AR will be integrated into eCommerce in 2023 to offer customers an even better shopping experience. Companies will use VR and AR technology to allow customers to virtually try out products or look around in a virtual environment. This will help to strengthen customer loyalty and increase sales as well. Very recently VR treadmills are on the rise, very soon your future customer will enter a completely virtual shopping world before making a purchase. Are you prepared for the process?
VR Trends E-Commerce 2023

Which trends have not been accomplished?

At this point, it is worth taking a look back into the past. Which trends have not caught on or been accomplished? Which ideas and techniques have become out of date or have come to nothing? Here, too, we had a few points in mind and reported here on our conclusion.

  • Same-day delivery. In 2019 and 2020, same-day delivery was the next big trend in the eCommerce industry. However, due to the current high costs and logistical challenges, a few companies have decided to prioritize this option. Instead, many entrepreneurs nowadays rely on cheaper alternatives such as the regular 2-day delivery option.
  • Virtual Currencies. In 2017 and 2018 there was hype about virtual currencies like Bitcoin as a means of payment in the eCommerce industry. However, due to the high volatility and uncertainty surrounding these currencies, a few online merchants have accepted these payment methods today. Established payment methods such as credit cards and PayPal have continued their operations. In the near future very likely there will also be an upgrade to PayPal Crypto payments in Europe. The project has already been rolled out in America.
  • Social Commerce. Social Commerce, which is shopping via Social Media, also played an important trend or role. However, platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have introduced shopping options, this option has not proved as successful as expected in Europe. Customers still prefer to shop on dedicated eCommerce platforms like Amazon or Shopify. A real direct checkout on Social Media platforms is not yet possible.
  • 3D printing. 3D printing was also a major trend in eCommerce that would transform the way products are manufactured and delivered. However, the cost and limited capabilities of 3D printers-technology have been slow to catch up and will not be ready for mass production in 2023.

It’s important to note that trends are often influenced by many factors, such as technology, customer needs, economic conditions, and many more. Some trends may not have been fully covered or invented yet but could gain traction in the future as circumstances always change. As a Digital Agency with Full-Service Offering, we have all future trends in eCommerce on our radar.

What is your observation of the most important trends in eCommerce? We are looking forward to having a lively exchange and feedback from you on our Blog Post.

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