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Digitalization consulting


Digitalization for entrepreneurs

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have and provide any advice you need on the subject of digitalization. Digitalization covers many areas and can have different effects on every company. Here are some questions we ask to give an initial assessment of your needs:

  • In which area do you want to digitize?
    • (internal processes, customer communication, product development, etc.)
  • Do you already have a digitalization strategy or your own concept?
  • What goals are you pursuing with digitalization in your company?
  • What resources are available for digitization?
    • (financial resources, personnel, time, etc.)
  • What challenges do you see when implementing digitalization?

Depending on the answers you give, we can give concrete and efficient recommendations on how to proceed in the best way. We would also be happy to support you in implementing digital solutions in your digital company. The alphanauten is your experienced digital partners.

Solutions for smooth digitalization from an award-winning German digital agency? Yes, the alphanauten is here! Now there are galactic consultations on digitalization for entrepreneurs from Unna in Germany.

Digitalization is not just digital

List of the different areas of digitalization with a description. We say: ‘Digitalization is not just digital!’ Yes, that’s absolutely right— say successful customers after our digital advice. Digitalization not only affects the starting of new digital technologies, but also the change of analog business processes and the adaptation of corporate culture. Here are some areas where digitalization plays a role today. We live in a digital age, don’t miss out!

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Digitalization process

Manual processes are replaced with digital solutions to save time and costs and increase efficiency. This could include, for example, automating invoice processes or introducing a CRM system to manage customer relationships.

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Data management

Digitalization is generating more and more data that can be of great value for the companies. The goal is to collect, store, analyze and use data in a structured manner for efficient decisions. This also includes protecting data from unauthorized access.

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Customer experience

Due to digitalization, customers now have higher expectations when it comes to interacting with companies. Entrepreneurs need to implement digital solutions that enable a seamless and personalized customer journey. For example with chatbots, artificial intelligence or very personalized advertising.

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Business models

Digitalization offers the opportunity to develop new business models and open up new markets. For example, companies can offer their products and services as digital offerings or develop new (digital) business areas. Anyone who excludes themselves from digitalization is guaranteed to miss the connection. A comprehensive digital business model is essential.

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Corporate culture

Digitalization often also requires a change in corporate culture in order to promote agile, innovative and digital working methods. Management must enable employees to deal with the new technologies and working methods and actively involve them in the change process. Unfortunately, not every employee pulls together or uses a uniform level of knowledge. On request, we carry out practical and modern training seminars. We strengthen digital awareness using practical examples.

These areas are of course not exhaustive and also depend on the industry and the size of the company. However, digitalization is a holistic process that affects all areas of the company. Changes and the open willingness to do so are important for successful digitalization.

Digitalization is always individual

Digitalization is always individual and must be adapted to the specific needs and requirements of a company. There is no universal solution that is equally suitable for all companies.

Therefore it is important that companies first define their specific goals and requirements and then select suitable digital solutions. They should also take into account the resources and capacities in the company and if necessary, seek external support.

Individual advice can help develop the right strategy for digitalization and select a suitable solution. Experts like the alphanauten from Unna, who already have a lot of experience with digitalization, can help here.

However, it is important that companies have the courage to embrace digitalization and continuously develop in order to meet the demands of the market and remain competitive.

Digitalization for eCommerce companies

Digitalization offers eCommerce companies numerous opportunities to further optimize a variety of business processes, reach their customers more specifically and significantly increase their sales. eCommerce is so fast-moving that continuous optimization is required. Entrepreneurs find it difficult to follow the latest trends. We advise and support exactly at this point. At alphanauten you are in the right place for the following services, based on our digital consultations.

  • Online shop development— galactic eCommerce shops 100% uniquely developed. For example, our main focus on Shopware, with award-winning projects in our portfolio.
  • Shop relaunch— go digital! A new Shopware shop with a fresh look including an optimized backend is something that all users will be happy about. Plan your new presence with us now, book a Shopware shop relaunch.
  • Digital marketing strategies— SEO, SEA, SEM, SMM on request in an affordable all-inclusive package. Offer from alphanauten from Unna. We deliver pioneering online and digital marketing.

Apps, ERPs, plugins, POS, AI, blockchain, widgets and more—alphanauten has in-house digital developments for all types of requirements and questions. We are the right partner for individual solutions from another planet. We plan strategies, techniques and other tasks related to every digitalization.

Digitalization for stationary retail

Often forgotten or ignored, but so important! Digitalization for stationary retail. Digitalization offers numerous opportunities, especially for brick-and-mortar retailers, to optimize business processes. Here are some concrete examples of measures that stationary retailers can take as part of digitalization:

  • Online presence: An online presence is also important for stationary retail. Your own website, Social Media presence, SEO optimization and online marketplaces can help attract new customers and retain existing customers.
  • Click & Collect: Customers can order online and pick up the goods in the store. This saves time and shipping costs. It enables the dealer to personally advise the buyer and offer additional products on site.
  • Mobile payment: SMART checkout in stores is another important aspect of digitalization in stationary retail. For example, customers can pay with their smartphone, making payment quicker and easier.
  • Digital customer communication: Stay connected with customers and followers. Email newsletters, automated and intelligent chatbots or social media communication can help to better reach customers and inform them about new products and offers.
  • Digital assistants: AI product finders, smart mirroring, shopping apps or interactive displays in the store can offer customers a better shopping experience and help them select and search for products.

Ultimately, it is important that both eCommerce and stationary retailers use the advantages of digitalization and keep an eye on the respective customer needs in order to remain competitive. By the way, we will be happy to advise you as a stationary retailer or as an online entrepreneur on all funding for your all types of digitalization from the alphanauten team.

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Management consulting and digitalization

Consulting for digitalization references

Digitalization, consulting and advice on our award-winning projects

Digitalization consulting by alphanauten

The alphanauten is an agency for digital solutions and can support you in the digitalization of your company. We offer consulting, conception and implementation of digital solutions in the following areas: web development, eCommerce shops, online marketing and individual app development.

Before contacting us, the alphanauten from Unna, you should have already thought about your goals with digitalization and what resources are available to you. The more precisely you can formulate your requirements, the more specifically we can advise you and offer you a suitable solution.


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How much does advice on digitalization cost?

The costs for digitalization consulting can vary as they depend on various factors. Some of the factors are:

  • Scope of advice: The more extensive the advice, the higher the costs. With alphanauten you will receive a clear and well-structured offer. This way you always have an overview of all costs.
  • Experience and expertise of the consultant: The more experienced and qualified your personal alphanauten consultant is, the higher the costs. Numerous senior consultants are clearly available in our ranks to provide you with advice.
  • Duration of the consultation: A longer consultation period usually means higher costs. We are flexible and offer you an optimal consultation period.
  • Type of advice: Costs may vary depending on the type of advice. For example, advice on strategic planning for digitalization can be more expensive than purely technical advice.
  • Size and complexity of the company: The size and complexity of the company can greatly influence costs. At alphanauten we advise companies of all sizes. From start-ups to long-established traditional companies. We deliver sophisticated digital consultations.

As a rule, the costs for advice on digitization are individual. Some consultants work on an hourly basis, others require a flat rate for a certain number of advice days or a total package for advice. The costs can range from a few thousands to several thousands Euros, depending on the scope and type of advice. That’s why contact our project managers and we will make you a personal offer tailored to your requirements and options.

What is digitization?

Digitization is the process of converting analog information, processes and business models into digital formats. It is about the integration of digital technologies into all areas of business and society to simplify processes, make more efficient and optimize the use of data.

Digitalization includes many different aspects such as the processing of data, automation of processes, networking of devices (Internet of Things), introduction of artificial intelligence, development of new business models and use of cloud computing.

Digitalization is changing the way companies work and how people live and work. It offers many opportunities, but also challenges. Digitalization can help companies work faster, more efficiently and more innovatively and open up new markets. At the same time, companies have to adapt to some fundamental changes in order to remain competitive in the future.

Can you increase sales through digitalization?

Yes, digitalization can increase sales. Through digitalization, companies can optimize their processes, increase efficiency and reach new target groups. Here are some examples of how digitalization can help increase sales:

  • Online sales: By opening an online shop, companies can reach new target groups and increase sales. Online sales provide customers with an easy way to order and pay for products. Keyword is: ‘eCommerce’!
  • Marketing: Digital marketing offers businesses a variety of options to promote their products and services. Through online advertising, social media marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), companies can target their target group and increase sales.
  • Customer loyalty: Through digitalization, companies can improve the relationship with their customers and strengthen customer loyalty. For example, companies can regularly inform customers about new products and offers via newsletters, social media channels or chatbots.
  • Automation: By automating and optimizing processes, companies can save time and costs. This way they will use their resources more efficiently. This process can help companies process more orders and ultimately increase sales.

Overall, digitalization can help companies increase their efficiency, open up new target groups and improve customer loyalty. This can increase sales. The key point is the implementations. Digitalization must never bypass the people, the employees. Those involved must be integrated and trained, if necessary.

Here you can find an overview of all our consulting services: logistics, processes, technologies, funding… we are the right consultant partner for your business. Or do you need digital consulting for an ongoing project?

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The ALPHANAUTEN - the right choice for your consulting agency

  1. Strategic target group-specific approach
  2. We listen to you and talk with you!
  3. We are award-winning!
  4. We work with the latest technologies
  5. Regular training
  6. Digital consultations Made in Ruhrpott
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